
The delegation of inventors visits the UAE office of the Trade Organization in Geneva

The delegation of inventors visits the UAE office of the Trade Organization in Geneva

His Excellency Abdulsalam Muhammad Al Ali, Director of the United Arab Emirates Office at the World Trade Organization, Geneva, praised the achievement of the Emirati inventor, Ahmed Mahan, and his winning of the gold and silver medals in the Geneva International Exhibition Challenge, and the participation and presence of the Emirati Inventors Association in the General Assembly of the International Federation of Inventors' Associations and international invention exhibitions, foremost of which is the Geneva Exhibition The International Inventors Association, which is 48 years old, continues to serve inventors and connect inventors with manufacturers and businessmen investors to achieve first the goals of inventors in appearing to the world and applying it on the ground to serve humanity and the requirements of new modern life.

This came during his meeting with the delegation of the Inventors Association, headed by Majan and His Excellency Matar Suhail Al Muhairi, Vice President of the AssociationAl Ali praised the efforts of the UAE Inventors Association, headed by inventor Ahmed Majjan.Al-Ali said: The World Trade Organization is located in the city of Geneva in Switzerland and includes 164 member states, and its primary mission is to ensure the flow of trade between countries with the greatest degree of smoothness, ease and freedom. World Trade in the year 1996, and as a result of the UAE’s accession to the organization, it enjoyed many advantages, the most important of which are the low customs tariffs on UAE exportslocal markets from dumping, while it had to comply with a number of conditions, including the need to update local legislation and laws in many axes such as intellectual property, trade and services, and that its products conform to international standards in order to remove challenges to the development and diversification of national exports so that national companies can take a major role in international trade.